At Children First Consultancy, we offer Regulation 44 Independent Visits for providers of Children's Homes.
Regulation 44 visitors are independent persons, who visit a children's residential home on a monthly basis. It is the role of a Reg 44 Visitor to write a report about the conduct of the home; about how it is being run. Visitors have to check records and also check if children are being kept safe. This includes comments on how well their wellbeing is being promoted.
We offer an effective and comprehensive service, which includes a detailed monthly report consistent with the National Quality Standards For Children's Homes, as outlined in The Children's Homes (England) regulations 2015. These reports will be sent to the provider and Ofsted within the relevant timescale.
The emphasis will be on ensuring that the views of children, young people and other significant people are captured and reflected within the report.
Children First Consultancy will provide a consistent Regulation 44 visitor to your home but can also provide a different visitor periodically to give a fresh perspective and new ideas.